When picking out a college or university, it isn't just about the school. It's about the location you'll be living in for years. College towns aren't just appealing to degree-seeking residents. They can also carry some benefits for future citizens, from affordability and attractions to transportation.
For those seeking a nice college town, or it just so happens to be where you're attending school, Stacker found the top big-city college towns in America. Here's how they determined their picks:
"Stacker identified the 50 best big-city college towns using WalletHub's study for 2023, published in November, which rated towns and cities using a number of metrics including 'wallet friendliness' and 'social environment.' Every city in the rankings has at least 300,000 residents and a university or college population of at least 7,500 students. Some locations have a number of schools that fit the criteria, while others have one flagship university."
A popular Colorado destination broke into the Top 10: Colorado Springs! Here's why it was chosen:
"The public University of Colorado Colorado Springs is located here, along with the private Colorado College and campuses for the alternative DeVry University and Remington College. The U.S. Air Force Academy also is based in the area. The city is known as a conservative bastion in the state, with numerous conservative religious groups, including Focus on the Family and Young Life, headquartered here. A concentration of defense contractors means many post-graduation jobs center around the military and aerospace industries."
Here are the Top 10 best big college towns in America:
- Austin, TX
- Tampa, FL
- Miami, FL
- Raleigh, NC
- Atlanta, GA
- Seattle, WA
- Pittsburgh, PA
- San Diego, CA
- Colorado Springs, CO
- St. Louis, MO